Sometimes when converting a fraction into a decimal you have to use a calculator, especially when it is a repeating decimal. Most fractions that have an odd number as a denominator are equal to repeating decimals. There are three different groups of fractions with odd numbers equal to repeating decimals that you will know how to convert after learning this trick.
3rds Trick: A fraction below 1 with a 3 as the denominator will only work with this trick. Multiply the numerator times the denominator. The sum is the number repeating. Remember that there are no wholes because it is a fraction.
2 2x3=6, so the answer is 0.6 (repeating)
9ths Trick: A fraction below 1 with a 9 as the denominator will only work with this trick. The numerator is the number repeating. Remember that there are no wholes because it is a fraction.
5 5 is the numerator, so the answer is 0.5 (repeating)
11ths Trick: A fraction below 1 will a 11 as the denominator will only work with this trick. You multiply the numerator times nine. The sum is the number repeating. Remember that there are no wholes because it is a fraction.
11 7x9=63, so the answer is 0.63 (repeating)
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Saturday, February 8, 2014
Social Studies Trick #1- Remembering Stock
Want to know an easy way to remember the the definition of 'stock?' When you think of the word, think about the 's' being a dollar sign ($.) Then you know that stock involves spending money to buy parts of a corporation.
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