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Friday, July 26, 2013

Math trick #1- Cross-Multiplying

For the first trick, I will show you how to see which fraction is a bigger amount, which is called "cross-multiplying." For this example I will use 5/7 and 2/3. You write them both down next to each other, side by side and take the denominator from the fraction on the left and the numerator from the fraction on the right and multiply them and put the product on the right side. Then you take denominator from the right fraction and the numerator from the left fraction and multiply them and put the product on the left side. Then, whichever side has a larger product is the side which the fraction is a bigger amount.

                        15                    14
                            5                2                3x5=15     7x2=14       So 5/7 is bigger than 2/3
                            7                3

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